Wednesday, March 26, 2008


As you can see, this post obviously means something.
It is the second post from my Wednesday church, which I recently discovered was called the First Assembly of God. When I realized, I cracked up. If you can figure out why, kudos to you. If you can't, well, I'm not gonna demean this awesomely cool and fun House of God.
Okay, here's a hint: abbreviate.
On a more positive and less homophobic note, I finished Maximum Ride: the Final Warning a few minutes ago and I must tell you, it is good. I definitely recommend it for all you people who haven't yet saved the world with Max. Well, not before you read the first three first.
Wow. That was weird.

Anyway, gotta go. Gotta work on my friend's new MySpace that I set up for her today. I must tell you- it is sweet.

I hope everyone around me goes to Heaven so they won't bother me in my afterlife.

Peace 'til the war wages,

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Bored Outta My Mind

Yeah, the title's right. B-o-o-o-o-red.
I'm actually at Fang's Blog. Then I saw the Join The Flock button and I'm looking on for a face. I know that's wrong, but I don't have my own camera.


Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Today I just realized that I could buy a ticket for a PG-13 movie without my mom. Sweet!
In other news, I think I might've gotten Danielle off my back with the whole Wiil thing. Crap, it wasn't even a thing. Anyways,I told her I liked somebody else, which wasn't totally a lie, but not the whole truth either.
I confuse myself sometimes...
I actually don't know if I like him yet, which is so pathetic, because how could you not know if you liked someone? I do believe that I am the stupidest blonde on Earth.
Kudos to myself, by the way. This is my first post from the my Wednesday church*. Any church, in fact. (I actually like this church better, but I'm not gonna tell Ann 'cause she might throw one of her crying fits.)
Reasons for the Last Statement-
O This church plays angry music, not the slow stuff the Sunday church* usually plays.
O Pastor Ryan is soo freakin' funny. Like really, you should hear his sermons. (He dogs a guy named Jason. He wears girl clothes. Haha.)
O They make awesome fraps. My personal fave is their XOX. (Oreo Explosion)

I think I should make a signature note. Something cool and inspirational at the same time, but not dorky.
Hmmmmmmmmmmm... I can't come up with anything right now.

In class we had an easy day-beside from the fact that we reviewed probability in Math and Chapter 19 in Science- because the 5th graders had a TAKS test. Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills. Wow.

Gotta go now. On an end note. Here's my quotes-
O When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die.
O Blonds will someday rule the world.


* the churches aren't really called that. That's just how I distinguish between them. I go to Mary's on Wednesday, and Ann's on Sunday.